The creative industries is the fastest growing sector of the UK economy with the potential to drive national and international prosperity and growth.
This symposium session explored why and how, through partnership, the HE and cultural sectors should raise a powerful voice that penetrates the thinking and action of policy makers at the highest level, to create the public and private infrastructure and investment needed to ensure future growth and success.
Session hosts: Harriet Finney, Director of Policy, Cultural Industries Federation; Sue Hayton Research & Innovation Manager, Cultural & Creative Industries Exchange, University of Leeds.
The subject areas that it was agreed warranted discussion and policy influence were:
- Skills and talent pipeline and how government education policy is having a negative impact. The Ebacc was identified as particularly damaging to skills development for the cultural and creative sector. The vital role of FE in the development of an effective and diverse pipeline was highlighted.
- It was seen to be important that if we are to influence policy we should link in to existing and emerging regional networks and CFN could take a role in auditing what is in existence and forming alliances. The Creative Industries Federation. Will be appointing a Regional Policy Manager who will be a useful resource across the North.
- There was discussion about the Northern Powerhouse and whether that is a useful way of bringing people in the North together or whether it potentially marginalises the the sector outside London. However it may be useful to talk about the strengths of the North and find a collective voice.
The group felt that this was the start of a very useful conversation and that the subject warranted more exploration. Perhaps this subject could be added to a CFN meeting agenda or be the subject of a future workshop?