Increasingly we are seeing articles and reports looking back at the impact of the 2008 financial crisis on those graduating in that year. Evidence suggests that this continued to impact those who left University in this year for longer than previously appreciated. How then do we ensure we provide the right support for those graduating in 2020 during a global pandemic and financial recession, particularly those seeking to develop their careers in the creative and cultural sector whilst this sector faces profound disruption and hardship.
We have brought Culture Forum North members together from FE, HE and the cultural sector to explore the challenges creative graduates face – considering what needs to be created, adapted and remodelled to support our next generation of creatives.
Our discussion will be led by Vee Pollock, Dean of Culture and Creative Arts at the University of Newcastle. The output from this discussion will be shared on the Culture Forum North website.
This is the first in our new online discussion forum series. If you are interested in hosting or participating in a discussion please email – Discussions are typically amoungst 15 people with the aim of providing a supportive network for exploring challenges brought about by Covid-19 and climate change.