What Next? is working with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Institute of Cultural Capital (ICC) on an Inquiry into the Civic Role of Arts Organisations. The first phase of the Inquiry (until December 2016) will focus on research, mapping the landscape, defining what we mean by ‘civic’ and the ‘civic role’ and identifying examples of existing great practice.

Limited free places are available on Wednesday 12th October from 10am – 12pm at Kardomah94 in Hull at a workshop to discuss the working definition of the civic role that ICC are developing. We want to find out if these work as answers for you. Do these categories fit your experience? Where is the evidence base? And what do you think the civic role should and could be? What are your own and your organisation’s motivations?

In partnership with arts and civic society practitioners, the Foundation will craft recommendations as to how this role can be strengthened through policy change and practical support. Through research and consultation it will develop an understanding of what constitutes ‘next practice’ and seed a network for future activity.

Where: Kardomah94, Hull

When: Wednesday 12 October, 10am – 12pm

Limited places available, book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/what-next-hull-workshop-on-civic-role-of-arts-organisations-tickets-27435821280 (use the password: ‘whatnextculture’ to access the page)

You can find out more about the Inquiry here: http://civicroleartsinquiry.gulbenkian.org.uk/