
Paul A Rodgers


Co-designing with people living with dementia


CoDesign – International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts

Institution of corresponding author

University of Lancaster

Corresponding author

P Rodgers


design, wellbeing, co-design, dementia, design education

Catalogue entry

The researcher is interested in the use of co-design methodologies in the public sector where they might be expected to have beneficial effects.

In this project he undertakes a co-design project in collaboration with Alzheimer Scotland which is intended to break the cycle of stereotyped assumptions and practices that can remain unchallenged in the health and social care of people with dementia. With over 130 people suffering from dementia, the researcher undertook a design process that involved close consultation and involvement to produce over 130 Disrupting Dementia tartans that have subsequently been exhibited.

The study shows that disruptive design interventions which celebrate jumping straight in, doing things in order to learn new things, and valuing failure, can bring successful results in design terms and valuable outcomes in improved wellbeing indicators. The study also shows that design practitioners are performing a different role, akin to that of facilitator.

You will find this article useful as a case study in design education, and as an example of co-design with a client group.